2 min readJun 8, 2024

Essential Command-Line Commands for Developers

As a developer, you often interact with various tools and technologies through the command line. Below is a collection of essential commands and explanations to help you navigate and utilize these tools efficiently.

## cURL Commands
cURL is a powerful command-line tool used for transferring data with URLs. Here’s a basic example of using cURL for different HTTP requests:

curl -X POST/GET/PUT/etc.. [Request URL] -d [params] -d [params] -d etc..

## Python Package Management
Python’s package installer, `pip`, is essential for managing libraries. Here’s how to install a package:

pip install [package_name]


pip install openai
pip install requests

## Checking Installed Path and Versions
You often need to check the installation path and versions of your tools. Here are the commands to do that:

Find Installed Path

which python
Example Output: `/c/msys64/mingw64/bin/python`
Check Installed Version
python - version
ruby - version
rails - version

Replace `python`, `ruby`, `rails`, etc., with the relevant programming language or tool.

## Docker Commands
Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Here are some fundamental Docker commands:

Build & Run Docker Container

docker build -t [root-folder name] .

docker run -it - rm -e [env value1] -e [env value2] [image_name]

Note for Windows Users: Use `winpty` before the docker command:

winpty docker run -it - rm -e [env value1] -e [env value2] [image_name]

List Running Docker Containers

docker ps

Example Output:

378f9a1e8778 postgres:16.1-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 44 hours ago Up 44 hours>5432/tcp searchai-db-1

Open Docker Container Terminal

docker exec -it [docker container id] bash

Example: docker exec -it 378f9a1e8778 bash

View Docker Container Logs

 docker logs [container id]

Remove Docker Volume

docker volume rm [container id]

By mastering these commands, you can enhance your efficiency and streamline your development workflow. Whether you’re managing packages, checking versions, or handling Docker containers, these commands are essential tools in your development toolkit.


Written by ANSIF

Entrepreneur | Investor | Tech Consultant

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